Anyone who has been on Craigslist knows how boring those ads can be. This one is so good it makes a 1995 Pontiac sound exciting. A good reminder for creative […]
In my previous post (link here). I asked companies to stop thinking about social media as social media and think about it more in the mindset of “personality marketing.” Selling […]
Technically there’s nothing wrong with using the term “social media.” But it’s one of those terms that, unless you’re immersed in it, is cursed with being relegated to marketing buzzword. […]
John Carter, the movie, based on the book John Carter Warlord of Mars didn’t do that well domestically. Earning $30 million over the weekend. Though it did better oversees, Disney […]
In less than five years, traditional books may be dead as a primary and sustainable way for many established authors to make a living. As people are rapidly getting used […]
Social Media, Though marketing directors and CEO give talks about how important social media is to their business, when you often look at their operations, you often find a 19-year […]