In social media marketing, why each of us are personal Wi-Fi networks of content.

Most of us have a Wi-Fi router in our homes and likely know how one basically works. Your Wi-Fi router takes the signal that comes from your Internet provider and […]

The common flaw analyzing social media metrics. And why the Star Wars Prequels teach a good lesson.

A yardstick is a great ruler, but can’t measure happiness or a brand. Or the true success of a Star Wars movie. What do I mean? Consider this. If rated […]

Data-driven marketing may be a new weapon. But beware, the customer’s also packing heat.

I talk about data management issues in relationship to marketing and branding and product development because this will affect(possibly permanently) a business’ relationship with customers and marketing relationships if not […]

The real reason GM dropped its $10M ad campaign on Facebook. And why their ads didn’t work

How many of us buy motor oil at Disneyland? We’ll buy souvenirs, food and pictures at The Magic Kingdom, but probably, not motor oil if it were pitched to us. […]

Ever been part of the club scene? Then you know why Facebook’s days on top are numbered.

Facebook’s IPO is coming soon. And many of the people who will pay for the initial stock offering of around $45 are betting the price will shoot up. And for […]

Why personality marketing (social media) is not natural for companies.

In my previous post (link here). I asked companies to stop thinking about social media as social media and think about it more in the mindset of “personality marketing.” Selling […]

Stop calling social media, “social media.” It’s personality marketing.

Technically there’s nothing wrong with using the term “social media.” But it’s one of those terms that, unless you’re immersed in it, is cursed with being relegated to marketing buzzword. […]